Personal Pouches are commonly used as tobacco pouches, of course therefore they are optimized!
Tobacco pouches should be recognized, for what they are basically done: A mobile drugstore and general herb pouch - whether for tobacco or any other dried herb. They are great to store any kind of dried herbs for beverage or incense purpose. Another great thing is to store these typical 5 ml bottles with homoeopathic medicine in them - up to 5 of these little bottles - a little mobile traveling drugstore 2 go. Or what's about little perfume or essence bottles in it? Step by step the tobacco pouch becomes again a medicine pouch.
Overall Personal Pouches are good for several purposes. You may find with each pouch several functions. Here are some!
Personal Pouches werden zwar bevorzugt als Tabakbeutel genutzt - dafür sind sie bekannt - doch eigentlich sind sie kleine Kräuterbeutel und mobile Reiseapotheken, man könnte auch von Medizinbeuteln reden. Lese mehr zu diesem Thema in deutscher Sprache!
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